What is IASA?
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- All students must be educated to their fullest potential.
- The public school system must provide all students with the opportunity to develop skills and the desire to be life long learners.
- The continuation of American democracy is predicated on an educated and participatory citizenry.
- A quality education is essential for enlightened citizenship, purposeful employment, and meaningful life experiences.
- Public school system graduates must be able to compete successfully in a global economy.
- Public education must ensure and actively promote an appreciation for the cultural differences that exist across our state and nation.
- Schools must be safe environments.
- All citizens must share in the responsibility to support a technologically advanced public school system.
- The State has the primary responsibility for ensuring the adequate and equitable financing of the public school system
- The appropriation of public funds for education should be limited to the public school system.
- School administrators must always strive for an efficient system of quality educational programs and services.
- All educators must work cooperatively to coordinate the talents of all involved in the process of teaching and learning.
- Administrators must provide leadership and information to boards of education and other policy makers at the local/state and national levels.
- Administrators must involve the whole community in the education of its children.
- The school district superintendent is the educational leader of the school district and the community it serves.
- The school district superintendent must promote fairness of opportunities for all student population groups.
- The school district superintendent must assist parents in meeting their responsibilities as active participants in the educational process.
- The school district superintendent must be an advocate for the employment and maintenance of a quality teaching and support staff.
- A successful public school system begins with a strong working relationship between the board of education and superintendent.